Fall Has Arrived

Monday, October 26th, 2015

Fall has Arrived

This has been an insane year around here. It seems like yesterday I was gearing up for spring and suddenly fall has appeared. The leaves are full transition and farmers are wrapping up the last of the harvest for the year. Here, at Smalls, we are working like crazy to finish this year’s projects while taking on designs to finish out the year, gearing up for fall cleanups, and next year. With all that this season has to offer, don’t forget to finish your garden maintenance before the snow flies. It is significantly more difficult beyond that point. Here is a brief checklist to get you started.

Fall has Arrived

  • Have your irrigation system blown out. This keeps the pipes from freezing in winter and causing havoc come spring time. While you are at it, make sure your hoses are emptied and stored.
  • Cut down perennials. This aids in blowing leaves out.
  • Mulch if necessary.
  • Don’t cut down your grasses. They retain their shape through winter to give some visual interest.
  • Empty your containers. If they aren’t emptied it is possible for the soil to absorb water and crack the container when it freezes. Not good.
  • Of course, pick up your leaves. Be sure to get around the bases of plants for a cleaner look and less spring work.

If this seems like more than you want to handle we can do it for you. Just call to get on the schedule asap.

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