The homeowner wanted their lake front property to seamlessly function with their busy family lifestyle. The existing landscaping and hardscaping were dated and deteriorating including the pool and deck. A major challenge for the project was the limited access with the only one way in or out with a steep slope terminating at the lake’s edge. We determined the most efficient way to attack this project was to start at the shoreline and work our way up following demolition.
Hardscaping for this project included new retaining walls which required over 300 tons of Sun-Bleached Weathered Limestone boulders from Missouri. The largest boulders weighed 5.5-6 tons each. We also installed over 600 cubic yards of pulverized topsoil peat to stabilize the boulder walls & establish beds for plantings.
All materials were painstakingly carried down the embankment layer by layer adding some logistical challenges with limited area available for staging. We installed conduit for irrigation, lighting, and sound. We installed new and improved drainage from the home and planted large specimen trees, evergreens, and smaller plant materials.
Beginning at the dock, a six-foot-wide stairway was built into the slope taking you up to the fire pit and on to the home using twenty-five custom-sawn Pewter Mist stone steps. Coming off this staircase you are taken to the fire pit which is perched on the second tier. It is constructed from the same Sun-Bleached Weathered Limestone as the boulder walls. Seating for the fire pit consists of three custom, limestone veneered benches. The best seat in the house though is a large boulder with seating for two that is built into the wall. The owner took this as his own to take in a perfect view of the lake.
As the homeowners exit the house they are greeted by their new swimming pool, sunken hot tub, a new enclosure for the pool/spa equipment. The pool surround, patios, and landings are all constructed from Jerusalem Limestone Stardust Travertine. Iron Age custom-built trench drain covers were installed to accentuate the stone flooring.
Green Mountain Boxwoods were used for privacy in the hot tub area while Green Gem Boxwoods were used for the hedge along the upper garden. The owner’s love of plants and color is shown in the landscaping. We replanted the owners’ heirloom perennials which we dug up, potted, brought back to our facility, and maintained until they were reinstalled in the new landscaping beds. To complement these much cared for perennials, we added Drift Roses, Butterfly Bushes, Hydrangea Vanilla Strawberry, Hydrangea Limelight, along with mixed perennials, sedums, Hens & Chicks, and ground covers.
All specimen trees planted during construction were maintained throughout the summer as the project moved toward completion. The entire property was cleaned up, mulched, and trimmed. We repaired the lawn and power washed the street on our way out the door. The end result is a welcoming and peaceful retreat for the owners and friends to enjoy for years to come.