Monday, October 26th, 2015
This has been an insane year around here. It seems like yesterday I was gearing up for spring and suddenly fall has appeared. The leaves are full transition and farmers are wrapping up the last of the harvest for the year. Here, at Smalls, we are working like crazy to finish this year’s projects while taking on designs to finish out the year, gearing up for fall cleanups, and next year. With all that this season has to offer, don’t forget to finish your garden maintenance before the snow flies. It is significantly more difficult beyond that point. Here is a brief checklist to get you started.
Monday, March 3rd, 2014
I know it is difficult to think about watering plants with all of the snow we have had this winter. If we end up having a dry spring though our plants, especially evergreens, will need some help from us to get their required refreshment. Evergreens continue to lose moisture through their foliage throughout the winter and with the ground being frozen they cannot replenish what they lose. It is similar to food that is left in the freezer too long, freezer burn. Some branches may look dead but don’t be tempted to prune them back. Give the plants time to push out new growth with warm spring temperatures. Plants can overcome an amazing amount of abuse. Keep in mind; If it is a dry spring be sure to get out the hose and start watering.
Monday, March 3rd, 2014
The so called “Polar Vortex” has been hard enough on man and beast. Your plants have also been going through and extreme test of fortitude the impact of which will not be fully evident until late spring or early summer. There are a few things to keep in mind when thinking about your plants’ health. Leave the snow where it is. While the white fluffy stuff is cold it is actually an insulator for the plants beneath it. So when the air temperature dips to -40 the plants could still be at a balmy -8 which could mean all the difference. When the weather does finally start warming up leave your plants alone. Even though all you will want to do is play in the garden leave the pruners in the garage. The plants need time to wake from their winter hibernation. Big leafed hydrangeas, for example, may look dead but by pruning them now you can guarantee the flower buds will not survive for their summer glory. When it comes to the garden this spring just leave it alone. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. There will be plenty of other outdoor things to do while you garden warms up and wakes up. Think Spring!