Falling For Grasses

Monday, October 26th, 2015


Grasses are great in the summer, but fall and winter are when they really shine. Grasses have wide variations in size, as well as blooms and color changing attributes which can begin in late summer and go through late fall. Here are some of our favorite grasses and they are legal in all fifty states!

Maiden Hair Grass spends most of its days with silvery pink plumes which transition to a more purple hue once frost hits in the fall. Fountain Grass brings a powerful pop to landscaping and come as short as 12-16” with Burgundy Bunny that is red and green in summer and transitions to contrasting tan spikes through fall. One of my favorites is Black Moudry Grass which features black plumes on red heads with amazing reddish purple, 8 inch long by 3 inch wide bottle brush spikes that remain prominent into winter. The blooms on these can reach heights up to four feet.


Prairie Dropseed Grass is a cool green color all summer and turns a deep orange in fall which contrasts fantastically when the grass is adorned with its wispy silver flowers which sway gracefully with cool fall breezes.

One of Becky’s all-time favorite grasses has to be Purple Lovegrass with its light green summer foliage which transforms as panicles of reddish purple flowers raise above the foliage in late summer. Through fall the green foliage takes on a bronze hue which paired alongside Solidago or a fall blooming Aster creates a show-stopping display. You will fall for lovegrass!

Lest we forget, grasses also offer winter color and interest. Their seed heads attract wildlife through winter months and their height gives some visual contrast to evergreens and, of course, snow. So do not cut down those grasses in the fall. Wait for your spring cleanup.

Grasses are easy to grow, low maintenance, and will provide a large and varied plant pallet for your landscaping.

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